The Manmad St. Vincent Society, belong to the International Congregation of “The Daughters of Charity

of St. Vincent De Paul”. Its Mother House is in Paris and the Head quarter in India is in Bangalore. The

Manmad Society was established in the year 1984 on 16 th February, and its head office, is St. Vincent’s

House Manmad, Yeola Road, Nashik district, Maharashtra State .

Head Office :- The Manmad St Vincent Society The Manmad St Vincent Society is a charitable institution of the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity. its head office is St Vincent’s house Manmad, Nashik Dt of Maharashtra. The Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul took up the mission at Manmad in the year 1965 at the request of the Bombay Jesuits at the consent of the Catholic Bishop of Nashik. In 1984, St Vincent house Manmad was registered under the name ‘The Manmad St Vincent Society’ under the Societies of Registration Act 1860 ( Registration no. MAH/ 953/ Nashik dated 16 Fb 1984). Gradually, The Manmad St Vincent Society extended to various parts of Gujarat and Maharashtra. God continued to lead the society and its growth. The members of the MSS are always at the fringes of the society especially to those who are poor by their love for the poor.


Objectives of the Manmad St Vincent Society are:

  • To administer and run the institution under the name ‘The Manmad St Vincent’s Society ·

  • To support and promote the educational activities for the under privileged irrespective of religion, cast, gender, community, social status etc. ·

  • To provide and encourage medical assistance in the form of hospital, health centres cum mobile clinic for all persons ·

  • To organise, establish, consolidate, maintain, support and develop social service and community development centres and similar public charitable activities ·

  • To uplift the status of the people morally, socially and economically ·

  • To educate and train and assist financially orphans,destitute and economically backward persons.

  • To provide free or with consideration residential facilities for the underprivileged