Karuna Hospital, Manmad

Karuna hospital belongs to ‘The Manmad St Vincent’s Society’ of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. In the year 1965 when the Daughters of Charity came to Manmad at the call of ‘Bombay Jesuits’ a dispensary was existing and sisters started working there. Many TB patients were coming from near and far and as the number of patients increased all felt the need of a building, to keep these poor patients for better treatment. The Hospital was begun on 14 August 1974 for the Patients who suffered with Tuberculosis. From 1974 to 2008 the hospital functioned only for the general and Tuberculosis patients. There were many developments from the year 2008.More than 100 patients are treated daily and 22 Doctors are at their service. Among them 8 are regular and others are consultants weekly or biweekly. The total strength of the staff is 100 comprising 22 Doctors, 5 BSc. , GNM & ANM Nurses. At Call many Doctors are at our service. We experience daily the Providence of God and the healing touch of Jesus by which our humble services are rewarded and progressing.As the COVID 19 cases increased we started 41 beds for them. It is the facility in our existing HIV/AIDS Centre for COVID 19 patients from March 2021. We have treated more than 350 patients.We are at the service of patients for the last 50 years. In these golden years we have touched many peoples lives and brought healing to them especially to the poor patients. We helped many women in their pregnancy to save the lives of the babies. The hospital could give awareness programmes to women, HIV/ AIDS , Tuberculosis patients etc. The starting of Karuna RANM School of Nursing was another landmark in the history of Karuna Hospital.